We work with individuals wanting more clarity about their purpose and teams, wanting to increase their collegiality, productivity and joy.
Our difference? We listen to your memorable stories, find the golden threads and use these insights to help identify the underlying purpose that animate you and your team members. We then ground individuals, programs and organizations in how to translate these insights into effective action.
We recognize that each one of us has a unique role to play, as we help you and your individual and organization become more effective, we all become contributors to a broader narrative. Our world is full of problems to solve, challenges to surmount, and opportunities to seize that require your unique contribution—your Signature Impact™.
Are you ready?
Cheryl Buford, Principal
Signature Impact Consulting
Cheryl Buford, Principal and Founder of Signature Impact Consulting, has a life-long passion for helping individuals, organizations and institutions change.
Early on, she realized that helping others understand their driving purpose and highest value-add is critical to individual and organizations’ success. She uses cutting-edge tools like MCODE in coaching clients, to better achieve their preferred goals and together build more effective teams.
Our vision is to champion important causes, help individuals and the institutions they lead and participate in to flourish, in some cases meeting the world’s deepest needs, always offering their highest and best contribution to the common good.
Brilliance emerges from individuals working in areas aligned with their driving purpose and their impact is magnifed when they work in concert with others to reach significant and impactful goals.
Signature Impact Consulting is a boutique practice offering MCODE assessments and custom consulting services to help individuals and organizations flourish, maximizing their contribution toward the common good.
With our network of partners, we help individuals identify and focus their energies on opportunities giving life to their driving passion. Beyond working with individuals, we help organizations better cultivate their people, build effective programs and position their efforts to maximize their effectiveness. We also advance education policy that provides the foundation for students to thrive.
“There are two great days in a person’s life: the day you were born and the day you discover why,” declares leadership guru, John Maxwell. At Signature Impact Consulting our passion is helping our clients discover and take action aligned with their driving purpose.
Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, famously declared, the most effective companies consider “who” before “what,” making sure the “right people are on the bus” and in the “right seats.” Signature Impact Consulting helps organization leaders empower their staff to recognize and draw upon their core motivations, greatly aiding them in taking their organization to the next level.
From Apple to Uber, we are all benefitting from the creativity and farsightedness of entrepreneurs. Signature Impact Consulting encourages the same entrepreneurial spirit and “out-of-the-box” thinking within the nonprofit sector. We also know there are many social entrepreneurs whose efforts fail. We certainly don’t want that to be true for you!
Signature Impact Consulting particularly relishes the opportunity to help our nonprofit clients realize their visions, develop strategic partnerships, raise funds and advocate with government entities.